Andrew G. Klapac

C Corporations: Tax Issues to Consider When Closing a Business

Are you thinking about closing your business? Rising prices, labor shortages, fluctuating demand...

7 Tax Breaks for Business Buildings

Businesses are returning to their regular work premises in droves. About 65% of U.S. businesses...

IRS Targets Partnership Tax-Reduction Tactic

The IRS recently announced the launch of a new multistage regulatory initiative intended to close...

Business Owners: Expiration Date Is Approaching for Certain TCJA Provisions

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) included many important federal income tax provisions that affect...

Seniors: You Might Not Want to Sell that Highly Appreciated Home

In recent years, the residential real estate markets in many areas have surged. That means there...

Computing Tax Basis Counts when Selling a Highly Appreciated Home

Residential real estate prices in many markets have surged over the last few years. As a homeowner,...

Set up a Tax-Favored ABLE Account for a Family Member with a Disability

Today, most states offer programs that allow you to establish a tax-favored account to cover the...

Smart Tax Planning Pays Off

If you're financially successful or expect to become so, taxes are or will become one of your...

Updated Guidance on Business Vehicle Depreciation

The rules for deducting depreciation expenses on vehicles used for business purposes have been...

FAQs on the General Business Credit

The general business credit (GBC) may help certain small businesses cut their federal income tax...