Andrew G. Klapac

Update on Luxury Auto Depreciation Deductions for Businesses

Federal income tax deductions for taxpayers who use passenger autos more than 50% for business were...

Top 10 Tax Breaks for Military Service Members

Active duty service members, veterans and their families deserve our gratitude for their sacrifices...

Do You Owe SE Tax on Home Rental Income?

If you rent out a second home—or part of your main residence—you may be unclear about whether you...

How Divorce Affects Eligibility for the Home Sale Gain Exclusion

It's common for couples who divorceto sell their homes. Not only does this move give former...

Navigating the SALT Deduction

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) limitsitemized deductions for state and local tax (SALT) payments...

Should You Extend Your 2022 Tax Return?

In a statement posted to its websiteon February 3, 2023, the IRS asked certain taxpayers to...

Warning: Your 2022 Tax Bill May Ring in Higher

It's that time of yearagain: tax season. Temporary tax relief measures that were provided during...

Casualty Losses: How to Claim Deductions and Avoid Pitfalls

Every year, the United States experiences natural and manmade disasters, ranging from hurricanes...