Kayla A. Emanuelson

7 Tax Breaks for Parents

It's challenging and expensiveto be a parent. The average annual cost of raising a child in the...

Year-End Tax Planning Tips for Individuals

As the holidays approach, it's time to consider tax planning moves that will help lower this year's...

Options for Overfunded or Unused 529 College Savings Accounts

Section 529 plans can be a tax-smart way to save for college and other qualified education...

Transfer Pricing Done Right

Today's companies operate in a global marketplace. Many have subsidiaries, affiliates and other...

Inflation Boosts Federal Gift and Estate Tax Breaks

Inflation is generally bad news. But a favorable side effect is bigger annual inflation adjustments...

Address Digital Assets in Your Estate Plan

Today, almost everyone owns some sort of digital asset—and some of these assets can be quite...

Top 3 Federal Tax Law Changes that Could Affect Your Business Return

Every tax season,business owners must familiarize themselves with tax law changes that went into...

The ABCs of the Dependent Care Credit

Do you pay someone to watch your young child (or another qualifying dependent) while you're at...

Let’s Be Reasonable about Owners’ Compensation

Is it possible to have too much of a good thing? The IRS thinks so, at least in the context of...

10 Tips to Help You Combat Rising Costs

Inflation is up 8.3% year over year, according to the latest data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor...