News and Updates

Joint Ventures: How They Can Open New Doors

Joint ventures are common in the construction industry, especially with large long-term projects....

How to Curb Automotive Hacking

Automotive hacking is on the rise. The number of cyberattacks into vehicle computer systems...

What Are the Tax Implications of the New Lease Accounting Rules?

Private businesses implemented new lease accounting rules in 2022, resulting in a major shift in...

Update on Retirement Account RMDs

If you have a tax-favored retirement account, you generally must take required minimum...

Handling Student Loan Debt

Starting September 1, 2023, federal student loans will begin accruing interest again. And loan...

6 Types of Payroll Tax Obligations Employers Should Know

There's more to paying taxes than just federal and state income taxes. Another major tax chore for...

Denise Harlan is named an OSCPA Power of Change honoree!

SSB is pleased to announce that Denise Harlan has been selected as an OSCPA Power of Change honoree!

Mahoning and Trumbull County Real Estate Reappraisals

Every six years, Ohio law requires all county auditors to reappraise each parcel in their counties....

Estate Planning Isn’t Just for the Wealthy

Thanks to today's favorable federal gift and estate tax rules, most people haven't amassed enough...

4 Strategies to Strengthen Your Small Business

Even at the best of times, the future is unpredictable. As anyone who has run a business for any...