News and Updates

Casualty and Theft Losses: Find the Silver Lining in Dark Clouds

We’re in the midst of hurricane season now, but the eastern and southern shores aren’t the...

Do You Have a Deductible Business Loss or a Nondeductible Hobby Loss?

There’s a fine line between businesses and hobbies under the federal tax code. If you engage...

Unlock the Biggest Possible Deduction for a Home Office

The IRS recently issued a reminder about claiming the home office deduction. In particular,...

Consider Taxes before Converting Your Home to a Rental Property

Have you ever thought about becoming a landlord? This option may be tempting if your local...

Wedding Bells and Taxes: Tax Issues to Consider Before Tying the Knot

Summer — the traditional wedding season — is just around the corner. Marriage changes life in...

Capital vs. Ordinary: Classifying Income and Losses Affects Your Taxes

Most of the time, how to classify gains and losses from selling an asset is fairly...

The Ins and Outs of Deducting Legal Expenses

The Ins and Outs of Deducting Legal Expenses
Legal expenses incurred by individuals are...

Spring Cleaning: When Can You Purge Your Old Financial Records?

Spring Cleaning: When Can You Purge Your Old Financial Records?
Feeling the urge to purge?...

Update on Home Mortgage Interest Deductions

If you own a home with a mortgage, you should receive an IRS form from your lender each year...