News and Updates

Navigating the SALT Deduction

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) limitsitemized deductions for state and local tax (SALT) payments...

7 Tax-Saving Opportunities for Manufacturers in 2023

After your manufacturing company's 2022 tax return has been filed, you can focus your efforts on...

How Much FDIC Coverage Do You Have?

In early March, Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) and Signature Bank unexpectedly collapsed. They became...

Workouts: A Practical Alternative to Formal Bankruptcy Proceedings

Is your company teeteringon the edge of bankruptcy? In the wake of the pandemic, many small...

Update on Deducting Business Meal and Entertainment Expenses

The federal income tax treatmentof business-related meal and entertainment expenses has been a...

Investors: Know the Basics of Basis Before You Sell

If you're thinking about selling stocks, mutual funds or other investments, you need to first...

How to Prepare for Potential Layoffs

There's some sobering news amid other encouraging recent employment data that may take you by...

Should You Extend Your 2022 Tax Return?

In a statement posted to its websiteon February 3, 2023, the IRS asked certain taxpayers to...

Top 3 Federal Tax Law Changes that Could Affect Your Business Return

Every tax season,business owners must familiarize themselves with tax law changes that went into...

Warning: Your 2022 Tax Bill May Ring in Higher

It's that time of yearagain: tax season. Temporary tax relief measures that were provided during...