News and Updates

Protect Your Child from Identity Theft

Identity theft can have a significant impact, especially when it involves children. Cybercriminals...

Possible Expiration of Key TCJA Provisions Could Affect Individual Taxpayers

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) made sweeping changes to the federal tax rules for individual...

Which TCJA Changes for Individuals Are Permanent under Current Tax Law?

The landmark Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA)was passed in late 2017, but the law is still in the...

Business Owners: Expiration Date Is Approaching for Certain TCJA Provisions

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) included many important federal income tax provisions that affect...

It’s Time to Think about Today’s Favorable Gift and Estate Tax Rules

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) dramatically increased the unified federal gift and estate tax...

Federal Court Lifts Ban on Noncompete Agreements

The nationwide ban against noncompete agreements for most employees and independent contractors has...

Seniors: You Might Not Want to Sell that Highly Appreciated Home

In recent years, the residential real estate markets in many areas have surged. That means there...

Executing a Successful Workplace Return

Over the last few years, "The Office" has made a comeback—not the long-running TV sitcom but the...

Tax-Smart Way to Hold Investment Real Estate

Real estate can be an attractive long-term investment. But the legal entity you select to own...

8 Steps Toward Enhanced Financial Security

During uncertain times, you may be concerned about the effects world events will have on your...